Getting Ready to Play

Welcome to the ultimate guide for organising a game of Chicken Rush!

Below you will find all the key information you need to play the best chicken-related game in the world.


Gathering a group

How many players do I need?

We recommend playing Chicken Rush with at least 8 players.

For example, with a group of 8 we'd recommend splitting them up like this:

  • 3x Chaser teams of 2
  • 1x Chicken + Partner*

But of course you can play Chicken Rush however you like!


Picking a Time & Place

Popular area: Soho, London

Where to Play

Try to find an area with at least 15 pubs and about a 30-45 minute walk across.

But, locations vary massively and it depends on the sort of game you want to play, it's up to you!

  • The more pubs, the harder the game.
  • The longer the game time limit, the larger you want the game area to be.

Technically you could play a 1-week game across Western Europe, but that would be silly... right?

Remember, you can always get in touch via @thechickenrush if you want some help!

When to Play

Anytime between 6pm and midnight with a time limit of at least 2 hours.

We tend to recommend playing on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday. It's when pubs are busiest and adds an element of chaos into the mix. Also if you're not playing the game in the Low Alcohol mode, there's a chance you're going to need a lie-in!


Creating a game

We recommend doing this in advance of game day. Create a game on the Chicken Rush App and start setting up your game.

Please contact us if you have any issues.


Inviting Players

The fastest way to do this is show each team the QR code in the Lobby screen. Once one team is in, they can then share the QR code with any other teams to make it a quick process.


Chicken Selection

Selecting the Chicken

Once the Chicken has joined the lobby, press the orange button and assign them as the Chicken in the list of players.


Ready Up!

Every team playing has to press "READY" before the game starts, it's worth reminding them all otherwise they won't be included in the round.


Starting Game

Starting the game

Press Start and a list of all the ready players will appear.

Have one last final check to see everyone is there who should be. You can use the Refresh button to update to the latest list.

Finally, add a Phone Number for the Chicken's team. This is for Chasers to send their photo for each of the Challenges over WhatsApp.

Helpful Tip: If the Chicken has a partner, try using their phone number. It's easier if the Chicken uses one phone for the game & tracking, and the Partner's is for viewing all the Challenge photos.


The Chase Begins

The Countdown (Chaser's view)

The Chicken's Escape

The chicken has five minutes to run off and find a good pub to hide in.

Where should the Chicken hide?

The Chicken needs to find a great, lively, place for a big group to be in at the end - so pick wisely. They can hide in any pub or bar, they just need to be obviously noticeable if any chaser does enter the right place. No hiding under tables!

Can the Chicken move?

Yes, the Chicken can move pubs if they want to. They just stick within the big circle - the boundaries of the game. It's usually best if they stay in one place so all players end up in a "good" venue at the end, but we've heard some hilarious stories of roaming Chickens.


Being the Chicken

Please Turn On Tracking

Location-tracking working correctly is crucial to the game being a success. The Chicken must read the following very carefully:

Remember to"enable location services"

Once the countdown finishes, they will need to enable permissions for the location tracking, a pop up should appear after pressing the white Button above.

Please refresh the page if you accidentally say no and try again. The game needs the location tracking to work!

Keep the tab open at all times

If you close the tab or navigate off it at any point - it will likely stop chicken tracking and no one wants that. Try to keep the tab open at all times, screen on and spend as little time on other apps as possible.

Don't use Battery Saver mode

It wrecks the Chicken location tracking for some reason, so please don't have it on.

Bring a portable charger

To ensure the game is success, please bring a portable charger! There's nothing worse than a Chicken disappearing off the map halfway through.


The Leaderboard

Tap on the Trophy to see the Challenges, the Chicken's job is to give out points depending on which team sends them the best WhatsApp photos as the game progresses. It's up to you how many points you give and when.

Keep checking the Leaderboard to see who's winning, try to make sure it's a close race!


What happens when the Chicken's found?

Upon finding the Chicken, Chasers press the "Found Chicken" button and the Chicken gives them secret password so they can receive their points.

They then join the Chicken for the rest of the game. They drink with the Chicken, chat with the Chicken and if the Chicken moves - they follow the Chicken.

Chasers can continue to do the challenges to gain more points and bump them up the Leaderboard!


Ending the Game

When does the game end?

The game ends automatically once the game comes to the end of the time limit. All players should be able to see the exact time when the game ends. eg. 8:47pm

Want to end the game before?

If the host wants to end the game at any point and go back to the Lobby, just press the Settings "cog" icon at the top left and press End Game.


Need a Chicken Suit?

We have two fancy dress suits available to rent, a must for any Chicken Rush game!

They're one-size-fits-all, unisex, very fleece-y - just get in touch if you want to rent one!

We can only deliver in London and this does depend on availability.

Go for the "OG Orange" for a classic evening of chicken-fuelled fun or try the brand new "Exotic Pink" parrot for some extra-flamboyant spice!

Book your suit by sliding into our DMs at @thechickenrush


Finishing up

We hope your group has a lot of fun playing Chicken Rush, building this game has been an amazing journey and we're so glad you're a part of it!

Any Questions?

If there's any questions about the game, get in touch or DM us via Instagram - @thechickenrush - and we'll get back to you ASAP.